Miami International Airport
NASS delivered Advanced Counter Terrorism Training with emphisis on BPR™ training to law enforcement officers at MIA.BPR is a training program that equips officers with skills to better recognize and assess behaviors that do not correspond with what would normally be expected in a particular environment, specifically but not exclusively, indication ofpossible hostile intent. The process provided a way to greatly improve customerser vice (since the most likely reason for an unusual behavior is distress or confusion) while at the same time providing an excellent tool to assess for potential criminal or terrorist activities that should be alerted to law enforcement authorities.
In addition, NASS delivered Advanced Security Awareness (ASA) training to the Airport security and non security personnel. The program is designed for all the Airport personnel and was created in
order to raise the lever of awareness to any abnormal behavior at the airport. Both programs were delivered at different levels, to different target audience (security, non-security, management),
subject to the level of the trainees and their security abilities/needs. The project included a detailed Front End Analysis (at ISD standards), which, among other things,
covered identification of needs, best practices, limitations, and target audiences. The program also developed detailed curriculums, lesson plans, narrative and presentations. These deliverables were
broken down by audience (security/non-security) as well as by professional and operational needs (programs for check points’ security personnel, gates and perimeter guards, non security ticketing
personnel, on board conductors etc). Overall, over 120 police officers were trained by NASS trainers and by Miami-Dade PD officers who completed the Train the Trainer. In addition, the training of
all airport employees in the ASA program is in progress with over 9000 employees already
trained and another 3000 employees will be trained in the near future. The targeted audience within the training is from custodians through airline employees to airport management.
The BPR project included the following phases:
- Front End Analysis
- Basic BPR/ITR training (Immediate Tactical Response)
- On-the-Job Training
- Train the Trainers
- Audit
The ASA project included the following Phases:
- Front End Analysis
- Basic ASA training to the Airport security personnel
- On-the-Job Training
- Tarin the Trainer
- Audits and updates
BRP Project Details:
Front End Analysis
A NASS team was sent to MIA airport to conducts an in depth survey of the airport and the airports
procedures in order to create and tailor the program to the specification of the airport. This included interviews with key personnel at the police department regarding procedures and
expectations of the course. In addition the team walked through the airport and studied its operations, needs and proceedures. The process as whole was guided by and delivered ISOstandards.
The Front End Analysis reviewed the following procedures and regulations:
- Transportation Security Regulations (TSR) Parts: 1520, 1540,1542, 1544, 1546, 1548 and 1550.
- The different legal aspects at both local and federal levels.
- The operational arena; the different agencies within the airport and the interagency protocols.
- The airport security program.
- Weapon and firearms procedures and local rules of engagement.
- Suspicious object handeling procedures.
The above subjects were taken into consideration while adopting BPR for use at the airport in question. Emphsis was given to BPR being an additional security layer at the airport and for its integration with other security layers and mandatory procidures.
NASS trainers provided the training to a selected group of Officers. The training was made of BPR and ITR
(Immidiate Tactical Response). The BPR training which involved in class presentations regarding the methodology and the local environment, and practical exercises at the terminal. The execises
involved the trainees working with passengers and other visitors to the airport. The ITR training involved physical self defense training that provided the officer the ability to neutralize any
immediate threat. In addition, simulations were carried out with a specially prepared training aids. At the end the training,
the trainees took an exam covering all the materials they went through throughout the training. Passing grade had to be above 80%. in order to improve our training materials, the
trainees filled out an evaluation form grading both the trainers and the training materials. The evaluation forms were taken into considaration and were implemented in our program
On-the-Job Training
Every officer that graduated the basic BPR training goes through an On the Job Training, where he and our
trainer work together at the officers worksite. After a couple of hours working together using the BPR training, the instructor then evaluated the officer and helped him improve his BPR skills. The
evaluation feedback was carried out Trainer to Trainee while an evaluation form was filled out for every trainee
and passed on to the Supirior Officer.
Train the Trainers
Miami Dade PD together with NASS selected a group of officers to be trained to become BPR instructors and
train all Airport District officers. the officers went through special training with our instructor in order for them to understand better the BPR concept and to be able to train their fellow
officers. Each trainer received a Trainer Kit prepared by NASS.
The Kits includes:
- Lesson Plans for every lesson
- Power Point Presentations for every lesson
- Narratives for every lesson
- Environment Analysis Form
- Video Clips
- Training Materials
- Test Forms (Pool of questions to creat different tests)
- Evaluation Forms.
Updates & audits
NASS provides yearly audits and updates to the Police Department. The audits include a NASS trainer working with the local trainers through a course given by them giving them feedback regarding their performance in the training.In addition, the NASS trainer works with some of the new trainees (Not trained by NASS) in order to improve their BPR skills making sure that they are proficient and fully understand the BPR concept and methodology. In addition a yearly update is provided to the Trainer Kits. The updates include new case studies, new training materials and other updates related to the program.
ASA Project Details:
Front End Analysis:
A NASS team was sent to MIA to conduct a survey of the airport and its specific needs and expectation of the ASA program. The team met with key personnel at the airport and tailored the program
with the airport’s
security department. Local and federal procedures and protocols were taken into consideration while conducting the survey. The process as whole was guided by and delivered
Basic ASA Training
A group of Miami Dade Police Officers went through an Eight hour training to understand the ASA methodology and be able to detect any abnormal behavior within their environment. That involved the following topics:
- Background and history
- Introduction to ASA
- Environmental analysis
- Observation, Approach and Behavior Elicitation
- Suicide Bombers & Explosives
- Casual Conversation
- Suspicious Object Response
On-the-Job Training
Each of the MIA Officers that went through the ASA was supervised by a NASS trainer for a one on one on the job training. The trainees worked with the trainer for at least two hours at the
security personnel’s natural
environment and daily work site. Trainers were gave feedback to the trainees regarding their performance. In addition, the security department received a on the trainees.
Train the Trainer
The officers then moved on to go through the Train the Trainer. The training involved additional on-the –Job Training and a Train the Trainer course. During the course, the trainees were given additional training materials and information regarding the ASA methodology.Each MIA trainer will receive a kit which included thefollowing:
- Lesson Plans for every lesson
- Power Point Presentations for every lesson
- Narratives for every lesson
- Environment Analysis Form
- Video Clips
- Training Materials
- Test Forms (Pool of questions to creat different tests)
- Evaluation Forms.
Audits and Updates
NASS provides yearly audits and updates to the Miami Dade PD. The audits include a NASS trainer working
with the local trainers through a course given by them giving them feedbacks regarding their performance in the training.In addition, the Nass trainer works with some of the new trainees (Not trained
by NASS) in order to improve their BPR skills making sure that they are proficient and fully understand the BPR concept and methodology. In addition a yearly update is provided to the Trainer Kits.
The updates include new case studies, new training materials and other updates related to the program.